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Oregon Council of Rock and Mineral Clubs Inc.

Original adopted September 20, 1986
Amended June 30, 2007.

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Article I - Name and Registered Office.

Part A. The name of the organization shall be:

Oregon Council of Rock and Mineral Clubs Incorporated.

Part B. The principle place of business shall be:

The address of the current duly elected/appointed Secretary, as listed in the Annual Statement to the State of Oregon, Department of Commerce, Registry Number 079884-13 dated 27 January 1967.

Article II - General Purpose and Objectives.

Part A. The general purpose of this organization shall be a non-profit corporation, as outlined under Section 501 ( c ) ( 4 ) of the Internal Revenue Code 1954, using employer identification number 23 7419895 having succession and existence from affiliated State Clubs and Societies.

Section 1. To stimulate interest in the study of Mineralogy, Geology, Paleontology, Lapidary and related subjects, to adhere to the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies Code of Ethics.

Section 2: To stimulate interest in the collection, preservation and display of Mineral, Fossil and Geological specimens.

Section 3. To aid in establishing communication with the State Legislators, Administrators, and Federal Land Management Agencies, to cooperate with Public Land and Forest Supervisors concerning the use and access of forest and public lands by mineral and rock hobbyists.

Section 4. To perpetuate coordination with neighboring States, Regional and National organizations in order to create a consensus opinion on forest and public land issues.

Part B. The objective of this organization is to form an organization of Oregon Clubs, so that they can collectively interact to promote our general purpose statement.

Section 1. To give member organizations the opportunity to receive and contribute aid through projects, work and community cooperation at the direction of, or guidance by, the council.

Section 2. To support the independence of member organization's internal organization and affiliation with other organizations. Exceptions to be made for those member organizations which operate in opposition to the Council's Articles of Incorporation.

Section 3. The council shall abide by the Articles of Incorporation, and shall not operate or establish any By-Laws or Operating Procedures contradictory to them. No part of the Net Earnings shall be used to the benefit of individual members or officers. Nor, as a substantial part of its activities, shall the Council attempt to influence political campaigns for or against any candidate for public office.

Article III - Membership

Part A. Membership, shall be open to all clubs, societies or associations of persons, without regard to age, sex, race, color, or creed who are genuinely interested in community service and the promotion of our general purpose and objective statements.

Section 1. Any duly organized group, i.e. Rock, Fossil, Gem, Mineral and Earth Science, within the State of Oregon, which has paid its dues and abides by the Councils Articles of Incorporation, shall be members in good standing.

Section 2. Members - shall be understood as meaning all clubs, societies, or associations of persons.

Part B. Application, Renewal and Dissolution of Membership

Section 1. The council shall provide the forms, on written request, necessary for application, renewal or dissolution of membership. Renewal applications are usually sent out by the Secretary - see OP, Board Secretary.

Section 2. The form shall provide the following minimum information:

A. Organization name and permanent address.

B. Bulletin name and/or web site address.

C. Names, addresses, phone numbers of the elected President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor and/or Web Master.

D. Application date, month and year.

E. Signature block for the President and Secretary.

F. Number of members, amount of dues per individual, total dues.

G. Council Secretary's address and phone number.

Section 3. Membership dues shall be raised or lowered by a 1 more than ½ vote of the membership present at the Annual Meeting. Resolution to change the amount of the dues must be coordinated by the Resolution Committee, and on the club web-site prior to the next Annual Meeting.

A. Delinquency occurs when the dues have not been paid by the Annual Meeting of the calendar year. All privileges will be revoked if dues become delinquent.

B. Re-application process applies to all delinquent memberships.

C. The amount of dues shall be current from 01 March of the current year to 01 March of the following year.

Article IV - Government

Part A. Officers - Shall be duly elected/appointed.

Section 1. Elected Officers:

A. President.

B. Vice President.

C. Secretary.

D. Treasurer.

E. Directors - Three.

Section 2. Appointed Officers:

A. Web Master.

B. Information Officer.

Part B. Executive Board - Shall be composed of the duly elected and appointed officers

Part C. Every member organization may be represented at the Annual Meeting by two (2) or more Delegates.

Section 1. Members with less than one hundred (100) members, may have two (2) Delegates.

Section 2. Members with more than one hundred (100) members, may have three (3) Delegates.

Section 3. Every member organization shall vote by voice or ballot through their delegates.

Part D. Power - Will be in the duly elected/appointed officers.

Part E. Meetings - The Executive Board will meet at the call of the President or the consensus of one-half (1/2) of the board members.

Section 1. The Annual Meeting will be held in June/July, at a location coordinated by the President.

Section 2. Two (2) other business meetings will be set for the Spring and Fall, after coordination by the President.

Part F. Quorum - Will be one (1) more than one-half (1/2) the members present.

Part G. Vacancies - The Executive Board, will appoint interim members until the next Annual Meeting. The elected officers will comply with Article V, Part C, Section 1.

Article V - Election of Officers

Part A. Elected Officers.

Section 1. Time of election - Elections will be at the Annual Meeting with Installation to follow the election. First official meeting for the new officers will be the following Fall Meeting.

Section 2. A combined old and new board coordinating session to be held immediately after close of business at the Annual Meeting. This is for the handling of the transfer of books, papers, and the vestige of office.

Section 3. Nominating Committee - The Nomination Committee shall be composed of the Past President, as chairperson and the three Directors. Formation to take place at the Fall Meeting, they shall make their report to the Executive Board at the Spring Meeting. Slate of nominations to be posted on the web-site prior to the Annual Meeting.

Section 4. Members present at the meeting shall vote by voice or ballot and the person receiving the majority vote shall be elected.

Section 5. The officers being retired may chair the election and the following installation. In the case of the absence of both the President and Vice President, the succession as outlined in Article IV, Part A, Section 1., will apply and chair the election.

Part B. Terms of Office.

Section 1. Two year minimum term. No maximum term.

A. President.

B. Vice President.

C. Secretary. (see section 2)

D. Treasurer. (see section 2)

E. Directors. (exception - three year terms, elected in one year cycles over the three years).

Section 2. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected on opposite years to ensure continuity of the Executive Board.

Section 3. The Vice President assumes the office of President (by consensus of the nominating committee) unless the current President is re-nominated. In this case the Vice President may step down or be re-nominated for Vice President.

Section 4. When the current Vice President assumes the office of President during the presidents current term of office, the nominating committee may elect to carry out the normal succession.

Section 5. Proxy and Absentee Vote - No proxy or absentee votes allowed.

Part C. Vacancies and Appointed Officers.

Section 1. Vacancies - Will be appointed by the President and the appointee shall fill the remainder of the term, or until the next Annual Meeting.

A. When the office of President is vacated during the term, the Executive Board will install the Vice President to fill the remainder of the term.

B. At the meeting of the board, there shall be a call of nomination to fill the vacancy of the office of the Vice President. Consensus vote at the meeting shall stand until the next Annual Meeting, or the remainder of the term.

1. When Article V, Part B, Section 3., has been induced - normal succession will prevail until the Annual Election.

2. Note , this does not jeopardize the succession in Article V, and in the event of the loss of both the President and Vice President, the remaining Executive Board members, chaired by the Secretary, shall elect both successors from a list of nominees.

Section 2. Appointive Offices - Are at the discretion or will, of the President. Any number of committees may be formed to delegate Council operations. The following offices are usually filled:

A. Web Master - Receives exchange bulletins, responsible for the gathering of information from all sources. Keeps the web-site current and informative.

B. Information Officer - Will be the contact and coordination officer with all recreational and legislative bodies of the State of Oregon. Shall be on the mailing list of all agencies proposing or conducting hearings or studies on State and Federal land. Will maintain liaison with the Council President.

1. Shall maintain coordination with adjoining State, Regional and National organizations in order to gather information on legislative bills affecting the rock hobby throughout the eleven western states.

2. Shall represent the council at public meetings and gatherings in the absence of the elected council officers.

C. Agent - Oregon Capital Display Case - Works with the Supervisory Committee to manage the Capital Display Case. The representative of the Legislative Administrative Committee, has the power to call meetings of the supervisory committee. Each change of the display to have a published on the web-site. Terms of rotation of displays to be determined by operating procedures.

1. The Agent will serve as the non-voting secretary, and assume general oversight with assistance of petty cash fund from the council treasurer, for incurring expenses. The agent will assure the highest quality display from member organizations or organizations sponsored by the Oregon Council.

2. Native Oregon materials are to be featured and may be supported by other materials. The Agent will exercise reasonable veto powers over materials submitted for display. A copy of the regulations will be available from the Secretary of the Oregon Council, through written coordination with the Agent.

3. The Supervisory Committee will be made up of the following:

a. State of Oregon, Legislative Administration Committee Representative.

b. Editor of the "Oregon Geology" magazine, representing the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.

c. Past President of the Oregon Council.

d. Information officer of the Oregon Council.

e. Agent, as the non-voting secretary.

f. One member at large from the Council members.

Article VI - Duties of Officers

Part A. President - Shall preside at all meetings. Shall represent the council at affiliated conventions or meetings, at social and public gatherings and meetings. Shall register a signature card for disbursement of Council funds from the checking and savings accounts. Notifies the Secretary and Web Master of meeting dates.

Section 1. Attend affiliated conventions and meetings held within the state. It will be optional to attend out of state meetings or administrative legislative meetings. Input from members for these meetings can be expressed through written communication by mail or email.

Section 2. Maintains Presidents file, to include copies of the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Case Display Regulations, list of Council assets, membership lists and addresses with phone numbers and email addresses of the officers, copies of the current minutes, copy of the Tax Exempt Papers, etc.

Section 3. Shall affirm the continuance of the State Corporation Agent.

Part B. Vice President - Shall perform all presidential duties in the absence or illness of the President.

Section 1. Will not be granted disbursement privileges, unless assuming the office of the President.

Section 2. Performs the duties of Audit Chairperson.

Section 3. Performs the duties of Resolution Review Chairperson.

Part C. Secretary - Shall attend all meetings. Will be the third signature on the bank card for disbursement of council funds. Maintains the original copies of the following documents.

A. Articles of Incorporation.

B. Regulations for the Capital Case.

C. Internal Revenue Tax Exempt papers.

D. Membership lists/renewals and addresses.

E. Membership application blanks.

F. By-Laws.

Section 1. Will have the Title and Function of Registered Agent to the State of Oregon, Department of Commerce, Corporation Division.

Section 2. Monitor and coordinate all correspondence pertaining to Council business.

Section 3. Administer all regular advertisement of meetings and special events. Will provide the Web Master the minutes of all meetings along with an information copy for the President's file.

Section 4. Maintains currency of membership applications, turning over the monies received from membership dues or gifts to the treasurer. Provides the completed membership list to the web Master and the President, original applications to be maintained in perpetuity.

Section 5. Maintains the collection of previous printed council bulletins, with representative stamps attached.

Section 6. To be on the mailing list of State, Regional and National organizations - for exchange of information.

Part D. Treasurer - Shall maintain the checking and savings accounts, receipts and ledger book. All council expenditures shall be coordinated with the Secretary and President. Will supply a status of the accounts at all meetings, (accounts information will not be included in the minutes as posted on the Web Site). All questions of actual funds to be coordinated in writing. Shall be the second signature on the bank card for disbursement of Council funds.

Section 1. Make an itemized verbal report of expenditures of Council funds at all meetings. Copies to be distributed to the Delegates on request.

Section 2. Make payments of general upkeep bills, without the approval of the full membership, e.g.

A. Annual Corporation Dues.

B. Web Site charges and Domain Name registration.

C. Officer mailings and reproductions.

D. Case Agent disbursement of general upkeep funds.

Section 3. Have all funds being disbursed in lieu of general upkeep, presented and approved by the Executive Board or Membership prior to payment.

Section 4. Have an Audit at the end of term of office, regardless if the current treasurer is re-nominated for a second term. Audit to be performed by the Vice President as Chairperson and the Directors. A report to be given at the Annual Meeting.

Part E. Directors - Will assist the Executive Board and the President, in the operation of the council. Perform the function of monitoring the parliamentary procedure.

Section 1. Be the body responsible for the review of all proposed resolutions, changes or revisions to the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and Operating Procedures.

Section 2. Assist the Past President, in the duties as the Nomination Committee.

Section 3. Assist the Vice President, in the duties of Audit Committee.

Article VII - Parliamentary Rules.

Robert's Rules of Order, revised, and the instructions contained in the Northwest Federations Book "The Book is Your Book", shall be the authorities on questions of parliamentary procedure.

Article VIII - Amendments, Revisions, Cancellation and Distribution.

Part A. The By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation and Operating Procedures may be amended or revised at the Annual Meeting. Prior proposals must be sent to the Vice President or to one of the Directors for review and coordination. The full Executive Board must review the coordinated proposal in its finished recommended format. Upon adoption by a majority vote by the Board it will be posted on the Web Site prior to the Annual Meeting.

Section 1. All proposals should be sent to the review panel during the Spring and Fall Meetings. All changes etc; should reflect the current wording versus the revised wording in plain English format.

Section 2. All proposals to the By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation must be coordinated and reviewed by the Internal Revenue Service and Corporation Division of the State of Oregon.

Part B. Cancellation Clause - upon adoption of changes, amendments or revisions to the ByLaws, Articles of Incorporation or Operating Procedures, these changes, amendments or revisions shall become effective and cancel or supercede all previous changes, amendments or revisions.

Part C. Distribution - Copies of the amended or revised By-Laws or Operating Procedures are to be posted on the Web Site. Copies of the Articles of Incorporation are to be kept by the Secretary and President.

Article IX - Operating Procedures

Part A. The details of operation not included in the Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws of this council, that are of a continuing nature, to be mandatory on succeeding administrations until amended, suspended or rescinded, shall be authorized by operating procedures, upon the approval of the Executive Board.

Section 1. Suggested operating procedures may be submitted by any member to the resolution committee, by sending a plain English copy to the chairman of the committee.

Section 2. Operating procedures may be adopted or suspended at any regular or special meeting.

Section 3. No operating procedure is in order that violates this Council's Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws.

Section 4. All operating procedures to be numbered consecutively - voids to be filled as new procedures are added or deleted.

Part B. Categories of procedures

Section 1. Board - Covers detailed instructions or miscellaneous duties of the officers.

Section 2. General - Covers Committees formed to operate programs or projects and specifies the chairperson's duties.

Section 3. Special - Covers any experimental program or project, along with temporary operations. This category to be limited to three years, then the automatic recision policy will take place, unless the category has been added to the procedures either in the General or Board category. The procedure can be added to the By-Laws to make the procedure in perpetuity.

Article X - Dissolution or Final Liquidation.

The Oregon Council may be dissolved at the Annual or Special Meeting. Dissolution to be in accordance with the Tax Exempt Organizations under Internal Revenues Service and State Tax Regulations thereto. All receipts must show the Tax Exempt Identification Number of the gaining organization and the Employer Identification Number from the Council. Prior publishing of the intent to dissolve must appear on the Web Site for 3 months before the meeting is chaired. All sales of or donations of corporate assets to be offered to member organizations, prior to offers outside the council, as prescribed by a majority vote of the members present.

Adopted this day: September 20, 1986 Amended this day: June 30, 2007 President: John Burford Secretary: Marian Andrus




Page updated: March 2, 2008.
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